How would you like to make full-time income with just 10 weddings a year? 






No more gatekeeping - You'll learn the secrets to what it REALLY takes to get booked out with high paying clients

Discover the exact framework that took me from totally free shoots to luxury weddings while being a present momma and homeschooling my kids.

One of the most valuable things you can get for your business is clarity. Learn exactly what it takes to get to the next level in your photo biz. 

Get access to live mentoring from Elizabeth Nwansi and have the opportunity to get your specific questions answered about your business.

I've been there...

When I think back to all of the things I tried to do to pass that $3k price... I cringe. Hard. I knew nothing about what it really takes. My strategy was all over the place, trying frantically to do the next tactic. It didn't work great.

So I devoted years (8+ to be exact) to learning from the best of the best in the industry, learning from my own lessons and learning from my peers.

Want to know what I learned? Sign up for a brand new live masterclass and you'll FINALLY learn what it really takes to get booked out and charge premium prices.

Reserve My Seat

When I think back to all of the things I tried to do to pass that $3k price... I cringe. Hard. I knew nothing about what it really takes. My strategy was all over the place, trying frantically to do the next tactic. It didn't work great.

So I devoted years (8+ to be exact) to learning from the best of the best in the industry, learning from my own lessons and learning from my peers.

Want to know what I learned? Sign up for a brand new live masterclass and you'll FINALLY learn what it really takes to get booked out and charge premium prices.

This class is for you if...

The math behind how to earn $70,000 a year as a luxury wedding photographer.

What most photographers get wrong about working with luxury clients.

Why you're currently attracting budget clients and what to change to avoid it.

The exact framework that took me from undercharging and struggling to booked out with high paying clients.

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Discover The 4 Secrets to Booked Out with Luxury Weddings

I'LL BE GOING LIVE WEDnesDAY, January 16th AT 5:00PM PST (8:00PM ET)